All Hail The Road Salvage Gods!!!!!

I think the best offering i picked up was a damn near complete box set of stanley proto sockets.

I had all 3 drive sizes, metric and SAE, deep and shallow, along with extensions and one 3/8 drive wratchet. I had spare socket rails, and when i organized these i was missing only a few sockets

The case was open, and this stuff was scattered all along the road on both sides. My wife and i spent about 20 minutes picking it all up, and getting out of the way for cars. I felt like i was playing the frogger video game in real life LOL.

I have found lots of other cool stuff. Hammers, tow chains, gas can etc.

How about junkyard tool finds?? I have found crapsman wratchets, wrenches, sockets, and a nice pair of mac long handle needlenose plyers, and a nice pair of vise grips clamped on a car door as a window crank handle.