Gold Membership fee now go up to $40.00?

$3.33 a month. .109589041 cents a day.

ole RRR, aka, Doug? was a CPA in a previous life ( for Ford motor co!) LOL

I admit bout every month I say, time for me to pay the Gold membership fee, but then its always, I have 30 days before I see a dime again, and do I want this or that or fork over $40.

compared to what you get from a mag subscription, this, to me, is a great deal. and I promise I will get the gold sooner or later.

I admit those of us on a fixed income, that doesn't have investments, savings account, and a dog that brings in a check, WE get pretty tired of seeing everything in life that we need/want get higher everytime we purchase!!???? I do.
O K i'll stop being a whinny girly ( no disrespect) guy!? LOL