My 66 Dart

Mopar Tim,
You've done a great job on your Dart. As I move forward on mine I would like to copy your strut lifts on both the hood and trunk lid. I have a few questions, did you get the mounts from the salvage yard as well? how did you determine the mounting points? On the front hood strut where did you mount the lower mount to, did you have to make a bracket?
I think that was a great idea and I am so glad you posted that as I would have never thought to do that, but now I plan on it with your help!
The next question on your build are the door panels. Are they something you did? If so do you have pics of how you went about it? Where did you get your material from. I like the lower carpet idea and I didnt know if that was a factory option.
Thanks Rod

I will start a new thread addressing these items. Thanks MT