Gold Membership fee now go up to $40.00?

It's voluntary everyone.

1. done, given, or acting of one's own free will.
"we are funded by voluntary contributions"

Synonyms: optional, discretionary, elective, noncompulsory, volitional; permissive
"attendance is voluntary"

I can completely understand why many of you can't afford it or choose not to donate. That's OK. But there's no reason to knock the price. It's voluntary.

I got out of the hobby for 25 years when I went to school, got married and raised my kids. I wouldn't have paid for it then because I didn't have the extra money.

I drove the used POS 1989 Toyota minivan and moved up to a used 1994 Caravan when the Toyota died for good. I drove a used Buick Skylark and a couple used Hondas. Whatever we could afford to haul the kids around in.

Now I can drive what I want to and it's my used '70 Swinger daily driver. I forgot more in that 25 years than I ever knew, besides the fact I had always owned B-bodies previously. This site has provided me with so much information that I could never have obtained in this Ford/Chevy part of the country. Before I put the badging back on my Swinger after paint, people were actually complementing me on my beautiful '65 Chevelle. Others think I put the "Swinger" badge on there as an off-color tribute to Monte Python,

"Is, uh,...Is your wife a goer, eh? Know whatahmean, know whatahmean, nudge nudge, know whatahmean, say no more?"

They look at me suspiciously when I try to explain that it was an actual model straight out of Detroit. "Never heard of it"

Anyway to my point. I could take advantage of all this for free. And that's OK. I did that for the first couple years myself. But now the kids are out of school and moved out and working on their own, I have my Dart and I can afford to help out Joey. This IS the best A-body site out there and I've gotten a real jump start from the members here relearning what I've forgotten over the years and teaching me what I never knew.

In this town I'd have to pay a mechanic to get the mopar information I get here. It's a bargain to me. A lot of the people on this site already have all the information in their heads or they have a network of mopar buddies in town or a phone call away to help. I don't have that luxury.

It you can afford to help Joey, then make the donation. If you can't or simply choose not to, that's OK too. Remember it's 100% voluntary. I just wouldn't ***** at the guy who is generous enough to offer all of this for free to us. As long as he's making a living, I'm happy because the site will remain.

Thanks to all of you who have helped me out and shared your knowledge and experiences with me. I can't express how much I appreciate it. -Rob J.