Roadrunner or Not

There are definitely enough flags raised to make it seem illegitimate. As stated above, if the paperwork and vehicle have been modified, it probably wasn't by someone that is well versed on Chrysler VIN coding. If we assume that the title is not original to the car then determining the motive behind the person that coupled the title with the car is crucial.

I'm glad that Diana's Dart chimed back in. I don't believe that anyone here wants them to lose their car. - Nor does anyone want it to be kept from the rightful owner if it turns out to be stolen.

We're all familiar with vehicles that have been cloned. It usually entails changing emblems, decals, hoods, and other options. Most people do it because it's a method of having the drive and feel of the car they've dreamt of but cannot afford. Messing around with titles and VIN numbers is more likely to be by someone less legitimate.

Aye, aye, aye. What a mess. Never a dull moment. Am working to clear up the mess.

Thanks so much for your advice and tips.

Hope to chime back in later with good news.