speedo question?

OK, good advice, I don't see any dramatic bends that would cause this and the cable I replaced was an assembly not a core so you would think it would be right?, that being said I have been out in the shop for the last hour or so learning about speedometers, I took the original one almost completely apart, ( a bit of a puzzle ), it appears the odometer gear was binding in the ends of the housing so I drilled the washer out that holds it in and removed, cleaned, and lubed it and did the same with the rest, then put it all back together, just loosely with a tie rap for now and powered it all up with a variable speed 3/8 drill, all seems to work fine so I will epoxy the parts back together that I had to break apart and take out the used speedo I just put in for inspection, if it appears not to work then I guess put the original I just fixed in and see what happens, thanks for the suggestions