3D printed car parts!

krazykuda, I use, actually still learning, SketchUp Make 2015. It's free for personal use. I have tried to break a couple prints i did, first it was hard to get it to bend then when it did bend it cracked a little but didn't break. That was using PLA filament. I guess it depends on layering height and adhesion. But I agree though, I wouldn't use it for a stressed part.

I'm taking classes at our local Comm. College that specializes in Autodesk products. I have done the AutoCAD 2D & 3D, Inventor 3D, and am now in Inventor 3D Assemblies. One more class after this, and I get my 3D Specialist Certificate.... :cheers:

Our 3D AutoCAD teacher let us send a model over to the 3D printer. They have done some pretty cool complex parts there.... (but it takes about 24 hours to print all the models - we do about 6 at a time).

If you have an e-mail address for a college, you can download free professional copies of Autodesk software for 3 year learning period. I have both AutoCAD2015 and Inventor2015 professional editions on my computer at home....

We have one of the best AutoCAD instructors at our school (J.C. Meleske). He worked for Autodesk and taught at the community college. He also helped set up their CAD program, and gives seminars at the annual AutoCAD convention in Las Vegas every year. He's officially retired, but still teaches a few classes and contracts out to companies for training. He teaches workflow more than concentrating on each "click of the mouse".... His seminars at the Vegas convention have been rated at #1 and #4 in the top ten. It's hard just to place once in the top ten in the country, he has two places.... :prayer:

He also beta tests the new edition the year before it's released. He's been testing AutoCAD2016 already, and it should be out in a few more months....

We do have other good teachers there, but he's considered one of the best in the country... :cheers: