Rocker cover

OK, fired it up this morning from cold, had it's best cold start ever.

It always did have a good initial start, but, within seconds, would choke up and get stumbly. At least twice on the trip down the driveway, I would have to pop it in to neutral, and, rev the beans out of it to clear it up. This morning, just pressed the pedal once to set the choke, fired it up, and, it ran fine with no choking or stumbling.

It does still however, have the miss.

The best news though, is, that, I figured out how to do the rocker cover with little to no aggravation. Dropped it back on in about 30 seconds, without getting hooked on anything.

You need a couple of lengths of rope (couple of feet each will do) ,and, a block of wood.

First, run the rope under the heater hoses near the firewall, pull them up, and, tie them up to the fender brace real tight. At the front, run the other piece of rope round the front AC hose, and, pull it up tight to the upper rad hose as close the rad as you can, and, tie off. The block, is to jam under the AC hose going over the middle of the engine, to, get it up as high as you can.

Once all this is done, the cover will drop in no problem. The alternator, is not even close to being in the way doing it like this......:blob:

Off to get my wires today


Thanks for sharing. It is a bit of a challenge getting the cover off. Your rope trick sounds like it will make a much easier job of it.