Rocker cover

Bummer, no different with the wires.

Still haven't fixed the pump. Carb is a single barrel Rochester, and, is basically a steaming ball of black gunk. Needs rebuilt for sure (even though, despite the miss and stumble, it does function fine), it's on the list......

No idea where the ignition is at, but, with the instant starts, no pinging, and, general driveability, it can't be too far off.

It's looking more and more like a couple of burned valves, so, I can see a valve job in my future (hope I can find all my seat cutting tools). Should get my compression test done in a couple of days.

Any spare Peanut heads going in the Niagara Peninsula. Would like to do the head up first, and, then just swap it out.......

Any performance valves available for these heads???? Are they 5/16 stems??? or, 3/8 I have Bronze guide liners and install reamers for 5/16, but, not sure if I have them for 3/8....
