IVR pulse at 4 volts gauges read low

Got to thinking more about what you are saying. The fact my analog meter clearly showed the pulse from 0v to 4v @ about 1-1.5 second pulse seperation (more off than on) the short cycle theory sounds like the culprit. Which seemingly would make the gauges read low.

Next question would be has anyone just pulled the 12v feed wire from the barrell connector and re-route to the new solid state IVR. Thus bypassing the original IVR without pulling the gauge out and disabling it?

I have talked to Ben aka DemonIVR about this quite a bit , he no longer sells the IVR directly he supplies a reseller in bulk now but he explained how to disable the internal unit to me in detail and the bottom line is because the circuit routes through the guage then feed the other 2 guages pulling the feed wire and re-routing to the new IVR either breaks the circuit completely or provides 5 volts to the wrong side of the internal unit and can lead to a problem from that . It sure is unfortunate he is no longer doing this kind of work but his retirement hobby became too much of a job for him , the tricky part is getting the gauge apart and back together without breaking that wafer material that holds all the terminals and internals .