Gold Membership fee now go up to $40.00?

Just thought I would comment here a bit...

First, yes, it went from $35 to $40. First time I have ever increased it. (roughly about 10 years) Canada went up more but that's because of the exchange rates. $51 Canadian = $40US

Second. As someone else pointed out, there are a lot of expenses running this site. For example, I just spent $7,000 for a new server as well as several thousand a year to host it and maintain it.

But I ask you to also realize, running this site and the other sites is my full time job. Yes, between the ads and memberships, I make a profit, but I'd like to think I earn it. Your GM donations help a lot, and are appreciated.

Regardless, Gold memberships are completely voluntary. All the main content is available whether your a GM or not.

You guys, GM or not, are important to me and to the site.

If us Canadians are so important to the site, we should get a break $51.00 is a little much for my pocketbook. If this hike goes through, I am afraid of what is going to happen to your profit margin.