I'm sure this has been asked before, mechanic precautions

Working on an old car is like a big version of Legos. Did you make other kids build Legos for you?

He has no shop space, R3.
But you are correct-it's not that hard, and participating is 90% of the satisfaction.
For the OP...if you've found a family member willing to take it on, I STRONGLY suggest you be there on a daily basis helping and being involved if at all possible...and buy the pizza and beer, for cryin' out loud!
Won't be long before wives/family members start bitching about time spent and the guy himself starts resenting it.
If it were me, I'd show up with the beer and pizza and ask "Where do I start...show me what to do!"
I watched my son change a clutch on an Explorer in the dead of Illinois winter....days and days in sub-zero temps....for a friend because he had no money and "didn't know how". All he did was hold the light for my son, and in the end, he still doesn't know jack-s**t about his own car.
"Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach him to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime"
Old Japanese proverb