Gold Membership fee now go up to $40.00?

Just thought I would comment here a bit...

First, yes, it went from $35 to $40. First time I have ever increased it. (roughly about 10 years) Canada went up more but that's because of the exchange rates. $51 Canadian = $40US

Second. As someone else pointed out, there are a lot of expenses running this site. For example, I just spent $7,000 for a new server as well as several thousand a year to host it and maintain it.

But I ask you to also realize, running this site and the other sites is my full time job. Yes, between the ads and memberships, I make a profit, but I'd like to think I earn it. Your GM donations help a lot, and are appreciated.

Regardless, Gold memberships are completely voluntary. All the main content is available whether your a GM or not.

You guys, GM or not, are important to me and to the site.

Maybe think about stepping up gold member benefits. If the price goes up, you usually get more for your money. As it is now, what are the benefits?

A bigger message allotment and we get to see boobs. I can empty my message box anytime and I have live boobs livin under the same roof. Not to mention, type in boobs in your web browser and see the endless array of **** you can get for free.

I don't come here for all that, so for me, it doesn't count as a gold member benefit. So that cuts it down to just the bigger message allotment. Pretty slim for 40 bucks a year if you ask me.

I feel the same about that damned politics forum too. It adds nothing positive to the site. I think it should be dumped. It's not even car related.

Not that I will not continue to support the site, because I will. IMO this has to be the damn best automotive site on the net, hands down and that's a big compliment because there are a buttload of them.

But you stop and think about the endless suggestions I have made myself and some of them pretty damned good. Shot down at every turn. That **** gets old bossman. I don't care if the software can do it or not. There's always a way.

I would love to see more gold members. Means the site will stick around longer. But gold members really aren't getting anything for their money that they cannot get free somewhere else. I have a free Juno email account. I rarely ever check the thing. Last time I emptied my inbox, I had over 3K messages. That's THREE THOUSAND. I don't know what the limit is, I think they do it by bandwidth, but I have never reached it.

My point is, other than supporting the site (which is reason enough for "me") what other benefits do gold members get? A fancy title under their avatar? Stickers if they ask? Boobs and a bigger message capacity. For 40 bucks?

Maybe some other more desirable gold member benefits could be considered? Tee shirt? Gold members cannot really do anything non gold members can do. They have no mod powers of any type. They have basically zero input about the site. Kinda gets old when ideas are immediately rejected instead of even thought about. So, what's the point?

If somebody steps up to support the site with their hard earned money, they should be treated like part of the team. I couldn't care less about having our own gold member section. The majority of it is not even car related. Again, useless on an automotive related site, IMO.

There are lots of ways to improve on this. Lots of people have some good ideas. But you have to listen first and you ain't doin it from what I've seen.