Gold Membership fee now go up to $40.00?

People, please.
5 bucks?
A lot of you are whining about 5 bucks?
Maybe just have 2 less beer a year, a pack of smokes, 2 less gallons of gas, one less pork chop, etc. etc. and the list goes on..........
And us Canadians always have to pay in U.S. dollars whether the exchange rate is at par or at 30%, same as buying parts etc. from the U.S.
There is a simple solution.
Don't go gold if it cramps your style or you disagree with the costs involved versus benefits.
Then shut up about it.
FWIW, i think the gold membership here is well worth it, i save more than that annually on information alone, and i feel that the site is well run.
That's why i support it by going gold.
I never use the other features that the gold members get anyway, so that's not an issue.
And if Beiber stays in the U.S., i would gladly pay double for gold membership! lol
Just my 2 cents,