Fast & Furious 7 filming?

just saw the movie 30 minutes ago. some of the scenes were not realistic at all. For me the flare is gone on these movies. Love the cars ect but the movie needs to die now IMO

Exactly. They have a good showing of Mopars in this one, but the story is so unrealistic.. :protest:

Really, can you really jump a car between three skyscrapers??? :wack:

Why is Mia turning into a "homebody"?? :wack:

You can hang on a bus that's teetering on a cliff with one hand, climb up and run down the bus as it's falling, and then make it to safety, when Lettie happens to come driving up when he jumps off the bus, knowing that he was going to be there, just as the bus falls off the cliff... WTF???? :finga:

And cars can drive through the forest and knock over trees in their way, like an icebreaker boat in frozen water... I live near a forest preserve, I've seen cars wrapped around trees that have tried to do that... Trees don't move out of the way... :???:

But the Chargers, Cuda, Road Runners, etc were cool to see... :D

And you keep waiting for them to kill off Paul Walker.... :banghead: