Diff gears - recommended brands?

Noise is from the installer.

Moser uses motive, Strange uses US gear, Motive has been richmond for more than 4/5 years now. Nitro, US Gear, AAM, Dana, Motive, Precision.

Yukon reboxes all types of crap and paying top dollar for some usa standard or maybe you'll get motive or another isn't worth it, especially if you get usa standard and they don't do run in on their stuff.

The rest of you all have set up issues , pin is deep on some of you and shallow on another. Reading a pattern isn't all that easy. When using set up bearings the pattern you get then is changing when you go to the right bearing, if you think .001 isn't that important.... then enjoy the opera coming from the diff.

Pretty much what SS said. I just set up a set of Richmonds. It took a while to get the thing right. Several setups could have been "acceptable" going by the enlcosed literature.... Sometimes it takes a careful eye to read the pattern properly. Last 3 setups were .003" changes to get the drive and coast patterns "right". I'm also a firm believer in break in routines for new gears. Not "easy for 500 miles", but run them unloaded (on jackstands), let them cool, do a light test drive, let them cool, then you're good to go. I've installed Motive, Strange/US Gear, Richmond, & Yukon in lots of trucks, jeeps, and various mopar rears. Quiet is all about assembly - little to do with brand or ratio.