Help got scammed!

I know where he lives, I know what he drives, I know where his girlfriend works..

I've thought about this over and over.. If I go all the way out there.. He doesn't have any money... What is roughing him up going to get me? Nothing.. Could land me in jail.. And would cost me more money in expenses..

I need to get creative... I called the news and they didn't sound interested..

I'm just as pissed at the state, the cops, the DIstrict attorney, all the useless assholes as I am this a hole..

The first and most obvious reaction is to go beat the hell out of him.
But cool your best it will give you a short-lived feeling of satisfaction. If he's bigger than you it might land you in the hospital. Or morgue, depending.
Hire a shark attorney to file a lawsuit, issue a summons (which he will ignore, living far, far away) and get a judgment issued. Then have the shark go after his earnings...wage garnishment. These guys do it all the time. Sure; it will cost you, but less money than a plane ticket and hospital stay...or bail money.
If you could find other FABO members that have been ripped off by this ***-clown, you could file a class-action lawsuit and really rip him a new one.
Bottom line is, if you do nothing, he is free to rob somebody else. And he will. It's up to you, man. I say go get him!