Goodbye Crane Flat Tappet. I hardly knew ye.

From what I understand zinc does matter! But I was ignorant to this info until I got on this forum,years ago. I Have yet to use a zinc rich oil and after 40k miles I`m gonna pay for it. I`ve got a few front lifters showing a wear issue that I need to address with a new cam/lifters.
I told a buddy of the synthetic/pressure issue and he was thinking the syn. may have broke loose any/all crap in engine and clogged the filter? that pressure issue I had is no bs. This happened years ago, been driving the car ever since, When I do a new cam, I will have the proper oil or go roller, I`m thinking roller and heck with the high$ oil. I don`t know, either/or may balance equal in cost overall or long term?

what a decent regular oil cost? $4-5 a qt.? penn grade and such are 7-8 bucks. so if you have a 7 qt pan your talking $21 bucks more an oil change. How often do you change oil? every 6 months for me. my car see's less then 1500 miles a year. so thats like $42 a yr. Whats a roller cam and lifter set cost? $500-800? just food for thought. not trashing anyone or there thinking. just debating here. NO HARD FEELINGS.

Here is my thinking.........

Our engines were designed in a different time. They used an oil from that generation. Today's engines have evolved and have different requirements, thus a different oil. That is why I insist on using an oil formulated for my dinosaur engine.