10 Sounds You May Never Hear Again...

Saw an interesting thing on MSN.com this morning and thought it would make a great thread topic here on FABO. Here are the 10 things MSN.com had on their list. I know many of us remember these, although our younger FABO members may never have heard some, or maybe all.

* A Television Dial - In the age of flatscreens and Hulu, the distictive click-click-click of a mid-century channel dial is strictly a thing of the past

* A Cash Register - the blip-blip-blip of barcode scanners rings hollow next to the sprightly cha-ching! that accompanied the opening of an old-school cash register

* Typewriters - a room full of typewriters made a mess of sounds, from the clacking of the keys to the zip of the carriage return. Not to mention the r-r-r-r-rip as the typist yanked a sheet of paper out of the roller. Sure, the MacBook Air is infinitely more versatile, but the cacophony of typewriters made for a much livelier office atmosphere.

* A Rotary Dial - Siri may be chatty and agreeable, but there's something strangely comforting about the once-familiar click-whir, click-whir of a rotary dial telephone

* Needle On Vinyl - These days you practically have to be a die-hard collector to enjoy the warm, faintly crackling sound of a diamond needle on a vinyl LP in your own home

* Chalk On A Blackboard - Say this for whiteboards: They don't set your teeth on edge. Still, the abrasive sound of white chalk on a blackboard resonates with anyone who spent time in classrooms in the '60s. It even has a nostalgic appeal - as long as the chalk doesn't squeak.

* Corduroy - The classic ribbed fabric still drifts in and out of fashion, but pinwale corduroy bellbottoms of the late '60s and early '70s produced a distinctive rustle that will never be duplicated

* An Old-School Pencil Sharpener - There was something oddly satisfying about the grinding noise as you put a perfect point on that yellow Dixon Ticonderoga No. 2 pencil

* Coffee Percolator - It produced a rich coffee aroma and an upbeat perky sound that you'll never hear at Starbucks

* Silence - With earbuds and iPhones everywhere you look, the absence of sound is becoming one of the rarest aural experiences of all

Let's see how many more we can add!