360 budget build questions.

I agree with Moper on this. If the budget is a real tight one and a cause of concern, then a junk yard 360 Magnum with as little miles on it as possible is what inwould look for. Resell the old engine in parts or as a whole to offset costs.

The Magnum engine offers a 9.0-1 ratio. I would avoid high ratios as suggested above. No offense to the suggester. The Magnum also has a Hyd. Roller cam. Just purchase the cam & matching valve springs and reuse everything else. It will pan out dollar wise to be approx. the same as getting a new cam and lifted set with correct length pushrods and etc.... And be a wide margin ahead of the Hyd. Set up.

Add the bolt on intake carb and headers like anything else and you should be good to go from there.