Roller cam and turbo charging

I have no experience with turbos.
But, Im reasonably well read in stuff.
The reason for the flat tappet statement I think is no longer valid.Camshaft technology has moved forward.
It used to be that flat tappet designs would whack the valves open a little faster in the low lift area.Higher boost requires more spring pressure. Ergo lower boost doesnt require as much spring pressure. Flat tappet cams do not tolerate high spring pressures as well as rollers. Rollers are expensive.
That book was trying to make the point that at lower boost levels, rollers may not be required(not so much that FTs were better,period) because the spring pressures are survivable by flat tappets and the tiny bit of fast rate advantage goes to them, and theyre less money
However, if you take money out of the equation, the advantage goes to the rollers.Especially now that rollers are being built for Mopar lifter bores, and roller ramp rates are increasing, and the lowZDDP hit us. That one reason alone spells -advantage rollers-
And they are transferable to subsequent cams.
Theres no downside to rollers except there initial cost. After losing just one cam, it wouldda bin cheaper for me to have gone roller,to start with.
My vote is roller. Your cam problems will be history.