Parts I owe to people (mike440)

Oh, it could possibly be Justin... Mike440's selling zip code (23970) he lists is only 18 miles away from ply30's zip code (23821). Almost too close to be a coincidence if you ask me...but I could be wrong in my thinking.

If anybody is curious here is a 22 page posting of all that mess with ply30....

Looks like I am going to have to go to the Sheriff again in Mecklenburg county VA like the other guy did. Even if Mike440 is not ply30 the Sheriff there will be very familiar with what to do in a case like this since this is exactly the same thing, but who knows what is really going on. I'll let the legal system figure it out for me. The other thread tells of some guys who got totally ripped off and some guys who did get some parts....sound eerily similar to this to me....of course I could be wrong in all of this and Mike is just a slow guy and my $160 will appear in my paypal account before I go to the Sheriff's office which is only a few hours from me....hint hint Mike, please read the thread I linked as ply30 had to pay the money back.

Not saying this is Justin ply30 of course (but it could be), but it is very, very, very similar and it is literally within bicycle riding distance from Mike440. My apologies if it's not.

Just a heads up, this went around on Facebook a month or so ago, a bunch of people got together and contacted the sheriff in the county Mike(justin) lives in and eventually started getting refunds and parts... so from what Ive gathered, Mike and Justin ARE one and the same. I've had no dealings with him(them) so I can't say for sure.