Pulled the Mess that was my Timing Chain....

Went in today just to chat with my teacher, but saw that the previous auto shop teacher was there. Talked to me about his 73 Charger he once had, taught me a few tips and tricks on my slant, and then told me that my engine will run again. I asked him about the wear on the block and told me that the wear was very even and while it was a little concerning, as long as the bolt is properly torqued, should be fine.

So today I lubed and installed the new camshaft and got down and dirty with a putty knife and solvent tank to get the engine all cleaned up. Really cleaned out the oil pan and actually found my old camshaft pin (not in the picture), the end of my oil dipstick, and a huge chunk of a distributor gear amongst 3 pounds of sludge. Glad that's all cleaned out.