Problems with Mike440

I'm assuming you're referring to the "vehicles" mentioned? Unless you bought a whole car, you should still be covered by PayPal. Open a dispute within 180 days of the purchase, if not resolved between you and the seller turn it into a claim within 20 days of opening the dispute. Sounds pretty simple.

Years ago I shipped something after not contacting the buyer for over a week. It was packed poorly on top of that. Before it ever got to the buyer, PayPal froze the account used and then took the money back for the buyer. I was out my stuff AND my money. I learned the hard way to 1: communication is key to any transaction and, 2: packed whatever it is better than you need to.

Go after this POS so he gets what he deserves!

I read that automobile exception the same as you, it should not apply to parts, but thought they might have somehow used it against Brandon.marx. He did not elaborate whether he paid by gift or not. If he paid by gift I would not have expected them to intercede. After relooking at his post, he probably did pay by gift since he said no goods were exchanged, maybe he will chime in to clarify. I am glad to see your post and one other that shows Paypal was helpful since I regularly use them and avoid sending payment as a gift.