gas stabilizer ???

That statement certainly explains a lot about you there buddy , you need to get out and about more , the cost of buying is really crazy here on the coast but the cost of living isn`t much different beyond house prices , I pay 50 bucks more for the same square footage here as I paid in Windsor Onterrible but my pay is almost double , food is pretty comparable so are utilities , My monthly nut is about 860 bucks plus food and fun , that includes my Apt and a garage I rent separate for the Barracuda , Gas was 117.9 yesterday for regular 87 I paid 134.9 for Chevron 94 octane that is pure gas and something you can`t get in Manitoba ,one of my good friends lives in the Peg but he travels all summer and bitches about the crime all winter . I`ll be buying in good old Onterrible as soon as I find the patch that suits my needs but I am definitely keeping my place here for the winter and Skeeter seasons eh LOL !