why i hate flippers

Means the poster is in violation of a policy and craigslist will cancel the ad. There is a box on every ad that allows anyone to "flag" the post.

They are most likely flagging it for fun (troll like).
Just like when some kids light a bag of poo on fire in the front door step on Halloween or such.
Then the person opens the door and has to step on it to put out the fire.

what is crazy is , I flagged it probably 20 times and I had help from people here , and 7 hours later it was still up. its only gone because the guy took it down. it must take a ton of times to remove a listing

Did he drive far?

Wait for this set to be sold then put up another set for sale, then have him drive out to "pick up" the second set. When he shows, tell him you just sold them. :)

I fall for the sob story every once in a while. Those that use that for flipping purposes are surprised that the price concessions are nowhere to be found if they ever ask about anything else I have for sale.

I don't think he came too far. its funny because I listed a few things today kind of hoping he would call for some of it , nothing yet though lol