childhood diseases

This is really old but maybe some of the newer generation has not heard it. A couple is spending their first night in a Hotel. As he is undressing she notices that his knees are discolored, lumpy and really out of shape. She asks him "what happened to your knees?" He replies "when I was a kid, I had kneesels" She says "you mean Measels?" He says "no, kneesels, that's why my knees look like this". He then removes his socks and she sees that his toes are all gnarly, crossed over, and a weird color. She asks again "what happened to your toes? His reply is "when I was a child, I had toeleo" "You mean Polio she replies". "No, Toeleo, That's why my toes look like this"....Finally he removes his shorts and she says, "wait, don't tell me, let me guess, Smallcox!"