Chicago/Milwaukee area A Body owners?

Well, I'm not on FB and really don't need another website to monitor. What I had in mind was if there was enough interest and head-count here on FABO, was to use this section (Mid-West) to monitor and relay info through. We're all on here frequently anyway. Right now, I think there might be enough interested folks to start a small local group that can keep track of local events and interests and relay them to all interested parties. Anyone who might be up for this give a shout out, OK? I will volunteer to provide and feed info from my local area, and if a volunteer would do the same from each locale, we should have a pretty good local group going. All anyone would have to do is make a post if they hear about a local event or item of interest (drag strip event, swap meet, good shop, etc) and then whichever members decide they want to go can do so.
Count me in.