Fast & Furious 7 filming?

I personally cant wait to go see the movie.. I have been a fan of the franchise since the beginning.. (with the exception of Tokyo Drift.. although I have even warmed up to that one over the years)... Heres my take on some of the complaints..

As for them staying in their hometown and doing the street race thing.. that obviously would only be good for one movie (which is what happened.. they have been in other locations in every movie since, returning home for brief moments.. which would be somewhat believable since they were fugitives)

Non realistic scenes.. Yeah.. This too has been going on since the 1st move (I havent seen a tractor trailer yet that I could actually drive under without some serious modifications, and the cars have always had 100 gears, so they can constantly shift for good film effect.. And everyone knows the quarter mile isnt 5 minutes long lol).. and like any action movie the stunts, and non realism are gonna amp up to outdo the previous film.. (anyone here watch the Die Hard movies??? forget what cars can or cant realistically do.. do any of us believe a man can REALLY do what John McClain does? lol)

As for the movies needing to die or be done... Lets be honest folks... This is entertainment.. If any of us were in control of the franchise and knew that another installment would still make money.. None of us would kill it off... After all, making money is the goal right? lol

In the end, just like anything else, Its all in what people like..(or dont like) me... i have enough real life bullsh*t to deal with on a daily basis (as does everyone else) .,. When I pay stupid money to go see a movie, especially an action movie, I WANT to be entertained.. I want fantasy, and unbelievable action.. I know this stuff cant possibly happen in real life (any more than the Dukes could jump a Charger week after week, and the car would never get damaged.. or that the Coyote could get blown up, or fall off a cliff every week, but still return to chase the road runner, in saturday morning cartoons..) ...

All this is just my opinion of course LOL .. but I look forward to the mindless fun entertainment that Furious 7 will provide.. as a side note, I am also a fan of series or franchises where the actors all reach a point of gelling together, to where you can almost believe they are the friends or families they portray...