s6 to V-8 do I need to change torsion bars

I wonder what the determining factor there was then?
The bars that were in my car when I got it were 890's and they were pretty mushy.
Felt like driving a boat in lake.


Ride height will change the amount of time you spend on the bumpstops. The rest comes down to what you're used to/willing to put up with as a driver.

All A-bodies with /6 bars will feel like you're driving the Queen Mary. That's just what a 100 lb/in spring rate bar on the front of a 3,000-3,500 lb car feels like. If you're ok with that :dontknow:. I mean, I don't even like how they ride with the stock V8 bars, they're only 120 lb/in. Although it might not sound like much, that still amounts to a 20% increase in rate over the /6 bars.

But I also thought the Just Suspension 1" bars were too soft too, and they're close to a 200% increase in rate. Some of that is just driver preference, some of it is how the car actually gets used, both of which are pretty subjective. And the rest of the car's set up matters too- shocks, sway bars, and the choice/size of the tires make a huge difference.