someone school me on my A833 for my swap Please

Also; That O/D gear is pretty petite. I have blown a couple of them up with my 366. They are strictly for cruising. If you forget to be nice when shifting into it it gives up in a hurry.And its easy to forget.
Also; that 1-2 split is a real deal breaker if you are making any kind of torque. The ratios in that set are; 3.09-1.67-1.00-.73 and the % splits are 54-60-73. Those are some pretty big splits. If youre shifting out at 6000 say, your Rs will fall to 3240, and 3600.Those are some deep holes to climb out of. But it gets worse. In casual driving, you will want to shift at about 2800,maybe less. Well, the Rs will fall to 1512 and 1680.Your cam better be cooperating.
Now, lets run the numbers with the 2.66 set. The ratios are; 2.66-1.92-1.40-1.00 and the %splits are 72-73-71. THe 6000rpm outshifts are 4200,4380 and 4260. With the right cam that could be very near the torque peak.And the 2800 numbers are 2016,2044 and,1988.Thats much more streetcam friendly.
Depending on your hearts desire,the direct 4th,and 3.55s will cruise ok at 2646 /60mph, and 27" tires.