Truckers...Take care of yourselves

If "we" as a nation don't learn to slow down and stop tailgating in fog, smoke, ice, and snow, rain, whatever, these kinds of pileups are only going to get worse. There is no specific "blame," other than every single individual driver.

Yea, that's going to happen. :-)

You guys that don't drive for a living should see what's coming out of the driving schools with a rig license.
One of the guys that passed his testing was still pushing the clutch instead of the brakes 5 days into actual driving.
My Brother just went through driving school recently, and he told me 1/4 of the 40 people got kicked out for not being able to pass a drug screen.
One short heavy woman wanted to know why they didn't make shorter trucks that she could climb up into (she couldn't get in the truck and was dismissed)
Another student was caught in a local strip club drunk and stoned at 2 in the morning when he had drive training at 7am.

He said it's pretty much the same caliber of people you get in the military when there was a choice of going to jail or joining the army, and that out of his class of 40 people there ended being two or three reasonable sensible drivers.