Interior fresh air doors...and Go!

Well, in my case the doors are permanently closed for numerous reason. The main reason is that I plan to close off the slotted vents in the cowl to prevent rust in the air box. The slots let leaves and dirt into that space then the rain turns everything into a mush in there. It clogs up the small drain holes/slots and any little particles that manage to get though the drain end up lodged in the fender where they create rust from the inside out. I've cleaned out my air box and cleaned out the fenders so it's clean and dry for now. I also installed some 50 watt 4" speakers on the vent doors. They tuck up nice and high out of sight. The other reason I plan to block everything off it is that I have factory AC so there's really no need for "fresh air". I live in a very hot and humid climate and believe me, THERE IS NO FRESH AIR!!! My car is a survivor and has no rust at all (it came from Arizona). The place I live is one of the worst places for corrosion....... near the ocean, hot and humid 11 months out of the year. The only way I can save this car for future generations is by keeping junk out of the air box!!

Now we can hear everyone else's opinions.