Tweaking trunk torsion rods for more power

To your original question, I tried this.

My rods were so weak, they wouldn't "open" the trunk, or "support" it at any level of open, or full open. As soon as you let go of it, it would just fall on your

I tried removing the rods, I put one end in my bench vise, and used a 3' long screwdriver as a lever on the other end, and I bent them a little, so they would have to twist farther to get into place on the car, and hopefully give more lift.

Well, it worked, slightly, but after a few opening and closings of the trunk, they kind of just returned to their old level of not working.

I'm leaving them in place, and adding a small strut, or maybe two to "assist".

I have one on it right now, which wont open the trunk from full closed, but once the trunk is about 1/2 open, then the strut takes over and opens it all the way, and holds it open fine.

I want to ad second strut to the other side, so that it opens by itself when you unlatch the trunk, like the video that Skep419 posted.