"Foreground" music

I too really dislike it. I have for years. I have quit jobs over this music-in-the-workplace issue,And accepted positions, on the condition of No-music-in the-workplace.
For me(and nobody believes it) music interferes with my thought process. Im not that good of a mechanic that I can share my mind with music, no matter how quiet, or subliminal.One boss started quoting studies that proved workers were more productive after music was introduced.I just shook my head.
For me, when there is music, my ears want to run the show.They start to tune into it.I start to want to (in my mind) sing along, or hum along.Well thats nuts.Then in the evenings those stupid songs are still playing on an endless loop between my ears,sometimes two days later!
They only music I will listen to these days, is music that I have never heard before, or that has no accompanying singing;And not in the workpace.
Call me nuts, I dont care. It is what it is.Im here to fix stuff in a timely fashion.Play music it will take longer. Smoke your stinky cigarette in my face,Im going home.Ok now Im ranting, as well as digressing.