Pulled the Mess that was my Timing Chain....

The slant is back in the car today! We really worked great with multiple pairs of hands helping to get everything bolted up. We ran out of time, but tomorrow if we work as well as today, I should have almost everything bolted back up and ready to pour in some fluids and get it going.

(Fingers crossed!)

So for the camshaft break in, I've been reading things here and on SlantSix that normally people keep the engine revving in between 1500-2500 RPMs for 15-20 minutes, then some say they shut the car off, drain the oil due to the break in lube, replace the filter and drive it moderately for the first 500 miles, then replace it again. In regards to timing, should it be well enough that it can run, then fine tune it afterwards?
I've been trying to read up a lot on initial and total timing with mechanical and vacuum advancing. But for the latter, I'll probably just drive it home first (it's not far, like 3 miles) so I can tinker with it there. But that's after the car is all said and done and it's ready for that.

EDIT: I keep forgetting questions. This one had my teacher stumped and unable to answer; should I add zinc to my oil to break in the cam and lifters?