The Building of the Blue Mistic

I just installed the 16'x8' door on my garage that I built over the last year. I tightened the springs down and got some binding when I opened the door all f the way. When I was relieving some tension, the spring kicked and wedged my arm into the track, cutting it down to the bone and 3-4" long. Went into a 2 hour surgery and am out of work (Deputy Sheriff) for at least weeks. I start physical therapy in about a week. It sucks mainly because I was about to install the hemi in my Dart yesterday and decided to get the door done instead.

Gotta watch those doors, I had never had stitches in my life till I was helping a buddy with the same kind of door. Spring kicked off mount and took the center support through my wrist. Had to wrap in a roll of paper towels and blue painters tape till I got to ER haha.. Loving your build thou..