8.25 w/ 2/45:1 Woes and Confusion


Id tell you that I think youre moving too fast,but Im afraid you would just flip me off.
If you just bought the car,IMO, you need to go over it with a fine toothed comb, before you hit the highway, and especially before hitting the track. I can tell youre excited, but take a breath. Nobody wants to read about a crash, or worse.

:blob:I would never flip you off. I agree with all that you said. I have been climbing through the car with that "fine tooth comb". I don't expect to have it at the track any time soon but at the moment it is a driver that is safe on the road. I drive it most days just cuz I like to. But I want to keep in mind the ultimate reason I bought the car. Not really to cruise, certainly not a trailer queen or show car. I bought it to hit the track with. I have two sons in college and they have their daily drivers that they need. Modifying them would not be advisable since they depend on them for work/school. With this car, we can mod it, race it and if it breaks, we can fix it and do it again without worrying about getting to work / school the next day.
Once again, I certainly agree with you and appreciate the insight.