May not ship to Canada..all over ebay now

I sold a NAG1 transmission to a Canadian dude a few years ago. Didn't have the first problem. He was more concerned with paying duties on it than anything else. He had me ship it to someplace in New York, right by the border. He said he pressure washed an old turbo 350, and threw it in the back of his truck. Got documentation that he had a transmission in the back of his truck when he left Canada.
Got to the shipping place in NY, threw the turbo 350 in the dumpster, and loaded the NAG1 up and headed back to Canada. Showed his documentation about hauling a transmission out, and it was still there coming back. Said nobody questioned it at all. Pretty slick plan! :prayer: :cheers:

Prolly the best idea to smuggle. Just saying. Could of been really bad to smuggle goods into the country. Plus it'd only be 13% taxes to bring it into Canada.

I normally ship my goods to Detroit, MI and bring them in myself. However I'd prefer not to have a federal record....
