Dart door glass question

Excuse me if this is a stupid question, but I did a forum search and didn't find anything that really answered my questions.

'67 Dart 2 door post. I'm looking to replace all the door glass weatherstripping, cat whiskers, etc. Is it safe to assume the glass has to come out to do this? How do you do this? The shop manual wasn't very helpful.

No the book doesn't show much. Windows don't have to be out. to replace whiskers are a snap in. Roll windows all the way down past sill if you can . I used painters tape to mask off edges so you don't chip them. Using a thin screw driver place it between the edge and chrome of whisker and gently pry up. It should come out easily . Once you have them out you can see how their placed . Set the new ones in place and I think I just used my palm
and pressed them in.