1965 Dodge Dart Charger

After one week vacation I really cooled down from the last minute work on the car. Now it's just a matter of time.

On the way from the airport I was able to pick up the battery. I left the battery with my friend Sven Grenholm, a truly hot rodder, and he did a great job on charging the battery. He put in acid and left it for a couple of days and then carefully charging it so now I can use that battery. The judges allow one year prior to the build date on the car and this batteri is made (or at least the bakelit body) August 1964.

I also found a NOS battery holder some years ago. Was the smaller rods silver zinc in color? The longer once were black phosphated for sure. The wing nuts should be silver zinc. BUT, was there washers under the wing nuts?

I was also able to mount the hood silencer. Since there is no heat pressured hood silencer on the market this is as close as I can get. But, I ran out of NOS clips!!:banghead:

Well I found some and know they are on their way from US.

I'm quite certain there were no washers under the wing nuts. The rubberized coating was thick and soft enough that the wingnuts would bed themselves into the coating. That would prevent them from backing off.