ticket misdomeaner help

yea i realize that now but i wasnt sure what the cop could do with probable cause cause theres so much grey area for cop with that, but now i want to get a sticker that says "just say no to cops"

They count on you not knowing, so they can take advantage of you...

And they will try to bully you also...

I had a cop pull me over and try to get me to let him search my car. He even went so far as to tell me that I had outstanding tickets on me. I informed him that I hired an attorney, from his town even, and the cop never showed up for three different court dates and all of the outstanding tickets were thrown out...

They told me that they wouldn't take me in for the warrants if I would let them search my car. I stuck to my guns and kept saying, "no"...

They then told me to get back to my car and wait. A few minutes later he came back and gave me my ID back and let me go....

He wanted to search my car so bad, he lied about me having warrants. If I did have warrants, he would have been able to arrest me and search my car... It was all a bluff, and I called it...

Stay calm, don't confront them, but stand your legal grounds. Let them do what they will, and then hire an attorney later if needed. If they push their bounds too far, the lawyer will get it all thrown out.