ticket misdomeaner help

if you would actually read the thread you would see i don't buy weed i got it from a friend and what makes you assume that your taxes are paying for my school? you're not the only one that pays taxes, i pay taxes, my friends pay taxes and most everyone pays taxes, so what makes you paying taxes so special that it cant go to fund higher education? further more a higher educated public is better for the public and will be free in a few years with the bill that's in front of the house and senate. even more than that what's so wrong with smoking some weed every while , do you get demonized for drinking a beer every now and then. even our president omits to smoking marijuana and even enjoying smoking marijuana. its comments like these that show the ignorance of those who don't want to actually understand currents and policies

How do you pay taxes if your NOT working??..and NO my tax money that i work my *** off for should NOT go to fund someone elses education..Obama a f-ing moron..you go to school you get the diploma YOU pay for it,all these little whining spoiled brats graduating and then all of a sudden can't pay back there students loans should be thrown in jail until they pay up..