corvair guy

i travel about 20 mi of old Rt 66 going to work. there is a part of it that's not the "main" road. I ventured down that little piece today. I spot a corvair wagon and a 58 Edsel survivor ( 35000 actual miles, still have the "plastic on the seats!") LOL.... in the front yard. I stop and meet the couple, Dave Miller and his wife. both Corvair nuts. he has bout 12 including the corvair take of an A100, plus one he does the road rallye race deal with.

both are Corvair enclyclopedias and really great car people. Dave was into Mopars way back in the 80's. but got strickly into these little jewels. I learned a ton about these cars right there! amazing really.

I know this ain't Mopar stuff, but it sorta relates to the slant stuff in a way. low hp cool engines!!!! ( his rallye car keeps up with pretty much everything he said.)..