hard time getting motivated

O K I got a solutuion! this winter when it cold out, and guys down south need help and motivation, i'll pack up and go spend a few weeks motivating and help wrenching! Fl , Tx La, I eat LOTS of shrimp and crawdads!! LOL

before I moved the s w Missour , I lived in N W Missouri (25 yrs). I had several good mopar buds that where always available to help on a project if needed. I don't have any body really close by here to do that. it really puts a damper on enthusiasm not having Mopar help close by!

I really think the key to all this, is having a car to drive and enjoy. for me it does not have to be finished, just safe to drive to a cruise-in, to work, whatever., a " work in progress" is fine with me........ I give rats *** what anyone else will think of it actually.... if it makes me feel good about my hobby, that's what counts for me....

Amen Brother and since the Corporate Jets in the shop will a Greyhound voucher be ok to get you over here.