Hearing Aids

Well for years Ive struggled with some lost hearing. Ive been told by family members many times I should have my hearing checked and get hearing aids so I dont have to ask them to repeat themselves. So the TV doesnt have to be so loud, or the radio or so I could hear group conversations. Finally I scheduled an appointment and the diagnoses is moderate to severe hearing lose in both ears. I have been told that they dont give a lose in percentage anymore. They recommended hearing aids for both ears. So on Tuesday I was given a pair of demo hearing aids. The brand is Oticon. Ive been wearing them for 5 days now and I can say I hate them. Not that they are uncomfortable, not that they look bad but because I dont think they do what I expected. First thing is I find everything more tinty sounding, I hasnt helped with me being able to hear a group discussion as it just amplifies all voices and the conversation still sounds jumbled to me. Also it makes some noises sound loud that the things I am trying to hear are blocked out. Yes, when I am watching TV I can hear better without having the volume as loud, but if my wife and daughter are in the same room talking everything just blurrs together. I was able to hear my grandson better which is a great thing. But all and all I dont see a $5400 value in a hearing aids yet. I have this loaner pair for another week and will give them every opportunity to change my mind but so far Im not impressed!
How do you other hearing aid wearers feel about yours and what can I expect?