First time out Results

A time slip like that is pretty typical of a, 1st time out, unsorted street car. The positives I see are, you're making decent power & the converter is just about locked at the top end...Meaning with that mph/rpm, it's very efficient upstairs. The negative is, that same converter looks to be killing you on the front half?

All the things you mentioned looking into will be positive steps toward your goal, but I think a well built 9.5" converter will be your best bang for the buck at this point.

I'll just add that I've run a bunch of cars before in a similar configuration to your current setup, and most of them et'd better by leaving as hard as possible off the stock converter vs flashing it. Yes that takes out much of the suspension "action", but in it's current form, you're not hitting it all that hard to begin with :). That will be a different story after some mods though.

Oh, and don't forget to get your timing in as quick as the engine/fuel will allow...

Good Luck & keep us informed. :thumbrig: