Don' be pizzin off us old guys............

Had a Ruger Super Blackhawk in M1 Carbine. It was lots of fun to shoot!! Had a little bit of a kick to it. Loud was not the word for it. On a overcast day or in the evening you could see about 6-7 inches of flame. I was at an outdoor range, and several of the other shooters were looking over to see what I was shooting. When they came over to look, they would check the muzzle and then have a puzzled look on their face. Very few knew that caliber was made in a pistol. This took place about late 1969 and or early 1070. The pistol was stolen during a house break in. By 1973, I was married and going to school. I didn't replace the pistol. I do still have my WWII M1 Carbine rifle.