Don' be pizzin off us old guys............

I never thought much of that .30 carbine. I was surprized that anyone offered a handgun to fire it. Thompson Contender used to have "a bunch" of odd caliber barrels.

When I bought my .357 / 9mm convertible, I was under the mistaken impression (mid 70's) that you could buy surplus 9mm cheap. Don't know why I thought that, maybe "a friend" had told me. Anyhow, it 'twern't so back then. I HATE trynna reload 9mm. Haven't reloaded for years and YEARS

Before I entered the Navy in '68, I was "radio operator" for our small town PD, graveyard. They got "some of us" involved helping reload practice .38 rounds. Hell back then I had never SEEN a press!!!. They were using Bullseye, if you are unaware, takes VERY little powder, and a .38 case can hold ?? 6--8 times ?? a safe charge. This means you must be CAREFUL reloading.

Well hell there were at least 6 guys at different times, maybe more. So we KNOW that a couple went BANG REAL LOUD.

We had one real "DICK" of a cop. One night he was out graveyard shift OUTSIDE the city limits (he was city cop and only one on duty) plinking at NIGHT with a spotlight at a gravel pit.

He comes in ALL PIZZED OFF at ME 'cause he JUST KNEW I WAS THE ONE that DID THIS and had a big ol' wadcutter jammed between the forcing cone and the cylinder.

ON AND ON he ranted getting that out "what if we had a 'mergency bla bla bla, and it never ONCE occured to him that any one of six guys could have been the culprit.