Don' be pizzin off us old guys............

It is good to see that at least you guys can still own and use you your hand guns.
Here in Australia it is becoming harder everyday, I ended up selling my hand guns because they made us do competitions for each hand gun.
I owned 3 and using all 3 in competitions on the same day didn't count, had to be 3 different days. 10 competitions a year per gun, I also had to travel 37 miles one way to get to the range. It really sux's.
I had a Ruger Mk11 .22 semi auto, bought at the time for my 12yo daughter to have some fun with, 32 now but she later had to go through our intrusive licensing system which takes 6 months so stopped going.
I also had a S & W 686, 6" barrel a very nice wheel gun.
The last was a Glock 17L, 9mm with drop plates could hold 20 rounds with one in the chamber, the "L" meant a longer barrel, very easy to shoot.
Do everything to keep your right to bear arms which unfortunately we don't have here in Australia. Even using a cricket bat to defend yourself could see you in goal if you aren't careful.